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Welcome to First Congregational Church of La Grange! Rather than gathering because we all have the same beliefs, we are an intentional community gathered around our shared promise to support each other’s individual spiritual journeys. We’re also intentional about bringing all ages together—in today’s world, that often doesn’t happen, but we think it’s important to have an adult friend ask a child or youth how they did on that science test they were worried about, and a 30-year-old and 70 year old chat about life during our Coffee Hour following the service.

100 S. Sixth Ave
La Grange, IL 60525
Office: 708.352.0800
Office hours are Monday-Friday
9:00am to 3:30pm
What should I expect when I attend a service?Upon arriving at FCCLG, you should expect to be warmly greeted and to find a welcoming and inclusive community that celebrates diversity and promotes social justice. First Congregational Church is an Open and Affirming church community committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where everyone can grow in their faith and build meaningful relationships with others. Visitors can expect to find a warm and friendly atmosphere, where they can connect with others through worship, study groups, and social events. Each service will vary in style and theme, but always expect them to be abundant in music, singing, and a conversational-style of engagement with Rev. Carly.
Can I wear jeans to worship?Absolutely, people can come to worship in whatever attire they are most comfortable in. The most important thing is for individuals to feel welcome and included in the worship community.
How can I view past services online?You can view our sermons dating back to 2020 on our Youtube channel. These, along with older sermons, are also available on our vimeo page. You can worship with us online through our Youtube channel on Sundays at 10:00am. If you happen to miss our 10:00am service, you can catch the restreaming of our service on our Facebook page at 11:30am on Sundays. Take a look at our highlights from 2022!
What is your denominational affiliation?First Congregational Church is part of the United Church of Christ denomination. The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a Christian denomination that is characterized by its commitment to social justice, inclusivity, and progressive theology. Some of the core religious tenets of the UCC include: The belief in the triune God, who is revealed in Jesus Christ. The authority of the Bible, which is interpreted through the lens of reason, tradition, and personal experience. The importance of social justice and equality, including a commitment to promoting the rights of marginalized and oppressed communities. The autonomy of local congregations, who are responsible for their own governance and decision-making. The celebration of diversity and inclusivity, including welcoming all people regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status. The practice of sacraments, including baptism and communion, which are seen as important ways of experiencing God's grace and love. At First Congregational Church we believe that each person is created with value and purpose, and that together we're better than we are alone.
What programs do you have for children?We provide nursery hours during our Sunday worship and a Sunday School youth program to help young people connect with their faith community and develop meaningful relationships with their peers and mentors. Sunday School begins following the Words For All Ages portion of service.
How can I find out what is happening in the church?You can find out what is happening in the church a few different ways! Take a look at our online church calendar which is regularly updated regarding upcoming support group meetings, book club details, special concerts and other events. You can also sign up to receive our weekly Telling Tuesday newsletter which highlights events that involve RSVPs and broader community activities. We also send out our weekly service Bulletin on Fridays. Sign up to receive these weekly emails here
My question is not listed. How can I get in touch?We are happy to respond to your questions or specific needs. Call the office at (708) 352-0800 or send us an email at:
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